We will be airing today with our host “Brother James” on his show “The Defender”. The topic for this week will be “Give Me Mercy”.

God is known to be a God of mercy and grace. Understanding mercy is often difficult for people as we tend to be a generation of “I’ll get him for that” and “I hope they get what they deserve.” Many have developed a nature of harsh criticism and want others to get what they have coming to them and then some. God, however, is merciful to even the worst offenders, sinners, and law-breakers. This means that even though He knows of our guilt, He doesn’t always issue the punishment deserved. To elaborate, the verse in Romans 3:23-24 says “...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Please join us every Wednesday for The Defender @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST, and 7 PM PST.

*For more about brother James visit him on The Defender's page.