We will be airing today with our host “Brother James” on his show “The Defender”. The topic for this week will be “The Gift of Helps”.

The spiritual gift of helps is found in one of the spiritual gifts lists in the Bible. The Greek word translated “helps” in 1 Corinthians 12:28 is found only there in the New Testament; therefore, the exact meaning of the gift of helps is somewhat obscure. The word translated “helps” means literally “to relieve, succor, participate in, and/or support.” Those with the gift of helps are those who can aid or render assistance to others in the church with compassion and grace. This gift has a broad range of applications, from helping individuals with daily chores to assisting in the administration of the affairs of the church.

Please join us every Wednesday for The Defender @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST, and 7 PM PST.

*For more about brother James visit him on The Defender's page.