We will have a live call-in on-air today on the Biblical Editorial Review. The topic for the show will be “Vision of New Jerusalem NOW! with Marty Angelo, Part 1”.

The end is near!
Time is running-out!
Jesus will return soon to rapture the church!
What if we're wrong----What if we're wrong?
How will it affect your children and their children if Jesus Christ doesn't return within this generation?
Live in the Now! 
Vision of New Jerusalem: Now!
An in-depth study of the relationship of the kingdom of God, the Church, and the New Jerusalem. 
By understanding and applying the principles found in this book one will learn how to: 
1) Stay out of troublesome situations... Now! 
2) Live a victorious overcoming life... Now!
3) Experience inner peace... Now! 
4) Build an important bridge between preterism/fulfilled eschatology and futurism... Now!

Please join us on this Thursday for The Biblical Editorial Review @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST, and 7 PM PST.