We will be airing today with our host “Brother James” on his show “The Defender”. The topic for this week will be “The Kingdom of God”.

This Christmas season we have been focusing on what the birth of Jesus meant to this world and all that inhabits it. We have examined who Jesus is; we sought to understand the reality of God incarnate and Jesus’ role as the Messiah; and we especially looked beyond the babe in the manager by looking to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. Today we want to honor the birth of the Christ Child by examining His Kingdom.

On that day we celebrate the birth of King Jesus: the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We are celebrating the birth of a King who reveals God’s love for us in His willingness to suffer and die in a sacrifice that provides us with eternal life. We celebrate the fact that the birth of Jesus made the Kingdom of God attainable for all who would bow to the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ.

Please join us every Wednesday for The Defender @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST, and 7 PM PST.

*For more about brother James visit him on The Defender's page.