We will be on the air today with our host Annie Rivera from "Annie Talks". The topic will be Annie Talks with Andrei Duman | Award-Winning Travel and Landscape Photographer | Up from Below

Annie's guest on this episode is is not only a successful entrepreneur, but he is also a creative artist, an award-winning travel and landscape photographer based in Los Angeles, California -- ANDREI DUMAN. Originally from Romanian and transplanted in the United States, Andrei moved to New York for several years before settling in LA where he currently lives with his wife.

He began his career as a semi-professional tennis player before moving on to investment banking. He has visited well over 80 countries so far and while on his travels, Andrei has captured some of the most spectacular photos you will ever see filled with unbelievable vibrant, stunning, rich and beautiful colors. His photos are clean, powerful and evocative: encouraging the viewer to look beyond what is right in front of them to the scale and breadth of what surrounds us.

Please join us every Tuesday for Annie Talks @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST, and 7 PM PST.

*For more about Annie Rivera visit her on Annie Talks site.