We will be on the air today with our host Annie Rivera from "Annie Talks". The topic will be Annie Talks with Joan Dizon | Living the Daydream

Annie's guest on this episode is Joan Dizon -- a wife, mom, traveler, & entrepreneur. She is the CEO of 'Living The Daydream.'

As we continue with the ENTREPRENEUR series, Annie wanted to highlight a dynamic woman business-owner. This person is someone whose promo appeared on Annie's Facebook newsfeed. Annie was drawn to her almost instantaneously due largely in part by her photos from the beach, from exotic-looking places, and secondly by her story. And you know how much Annie love a good story!

Please join us every Tuesday for Annie Talks @ 9 PM CST, 10 PM EST, and 7 PM PST.

*For more about Annie Rivera visit her on Annie Talks site.