We will be airing today with our host “Brother James Foxx” on his show “The Defender”. The topic for this week will be “Cover Your Ground”.

Life is full of uneven terrain. Sometimes our ground is not level because we have to climb mountains or dig ditches. The mountains and ditches may be our doing. It may be because someone else is making us climb or dig. In our spirits, we always long for level ground, an even playing surface, sure-footed living.
What's the surface like that you're moving on today? How does it look and feel to you? Are you cruising along the highway of life, coasting downhill or in a ditch? Are you loving the climb or exhausted? Are you suffering from your own doing, or have others got you digging ditches?

Please join us every Sunday for The Defender @ 6 PM CST, 7 PM EST, and 4 PM PST.

*For more about brother James visit him on The Defender's page.