We will be on the air today with our host Sister Shambria Perry from "The Perry's Women Power Radio ". The topic will be “Forgiveness"

We all appreciate being forgiven, but forgiving others, especially when they have wounded us, feels like a different thing. Emotions get involved. We decide they need to suffer for the hurt they've caused, and we delay offering forgiveness, sometimes for years, decades, or forever.
As Jesus suffered on the cross, he asked God to forgive those who wrongly condemned him to death. Often those who offend us never ask for our forgiveness or admit any wrong-doing. Forgiving these people is perhaps the hardest. But Jesus is our example for forgiving those who don't appear to be sorry or ask to be forgiven.

Please join us every Tuesday for The Perry's Women Power Radio @ 2 PM CST, 3 PM EST, and 12 PM PST.

*For more about Sister Shambria Perry visit her on Perry's Women Power Radio site.