We will be on the air today with host Brother DJ Enough-Said from "Real is Rare with Brother DJ Enough-Said ". The topic will be “Knowing Who You Are!"

When we come to God He gives us a new identity. He says that we become His children. We have access to all the resources of His power. Yet, even as Christians, we so often continue to see ourselves in our old ways.
In order to learn the ways of Jesus you first need to understand how God sees you. You first need to understand who you really are! When you said “yes” to God you stepped into a new identity. But just knowing that will not make the difference until you begin to walk it. When you begin to understand all that your new identity means, you can begin to live in the truth of who God says you are rather than in the ways you have come to view yourself through the ups and downs life has brought your way.

Please join us every Friday for Real is Rare with Brother DJ Enough-Said @ 2 PM CST, 3 PM EST, and 12 PM PST.

*For more about Brother DJ Enough-Said visit him on Real is Rare site.