We will be on the air today with our host Lady Ty the Great from "Pure Truth Session". The topic will be “Pure Truth About Anointing according to Scripture"

The Apostle John reiterated Jesus’ teaching about the person and work of the Holy Spirit in leading the Christian into the truth. He said: “We are from God and whoever knows God listens to us, but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.” (1 John 4:6) In short, the anointing is not recognized by those sweet, invigorating or ecstatic feelings that many Christians experience during worship services etc, but rather the anointing is recognized by one’s adherence to the truth of Christ as preached and testified to by the Apostles.

Please join us every Wednesday for Pure Truth Session with Lady Ty @ 2 PM CST, 3 PM EST, and 12 PM PST.

*For more about Lady Ty the Great visit her on Pure Truth Session with Lady Ty site.