We will be on the air today with our host Minister Lorrie Timbs from "Empowered Radio". The topic will be “Divine Disasters"

The present intensification of natural and man-made disasters must be seen as clear signs of God’s final warning to mankind of the impending divine judgment. These disasters tell us that, as in the experience of ancient nations, God will not allow human rebellion and wickedness to continue much longer (Gen 15:16). Soon Christ will come to bring an end to the colossal crises that are engulfing our fragile planet (Rom 8:19-22). "Since everything is going to be destroyed like this, what kind of people should you be? You should lead holy and godly lives, as you wait for the day of God and work to hasten its coming” (2 Pet 3:11-12)

Please join us every Monday for Empowered Radio with Lorrie Timbs @ 2 PM CST, 3 PM EST, and 12 PM PST.

*For more about Minister Lorrie Timbs visit her on Empowered Radio site.