We will be on the air today with Brother Tim Aaron. His topic for the show is "Joab's Jealousy".
Joab was one of those frightening individuals who can be intensely loyal and brutally vindictive simultaneously. His relationship with his Uncle David was not the typical harmlessly affectionate relationship between a nephew and his uncle. Some believe that if David had not been anointed king of Israel, the cutthroat ambition of Joab would surely have catapulted him into the throne. Instead, Joab maneuvered himself into the powerful position of commander in chief of David’s military. To have Joab as a friend meant that all one’s enemies would eventually be silenced in one way or another. However, for David, this friendship was maintained at an awful price. What may have begun as respect for his tough-minded nephew eventually turned to fear as David glimpsed the frosted lump of steel where Joab’s heart should have been.